April 8th Meeting
Monthly Meeting-Thursday April 8, 2010. Noon to 2:00 pm.
Where –Amenities room
Embassy of Australia,
1601 Massachusetts, Ave.,
Washington, DC 20036
Speaker: Major Kurt Lee, USMC retired.
Topic: The Korean War and certain sociological aspects involving Chinese Americans in the US military (Includes screening a new documentary which incorporates previously unseen photographs and film of the time). The presentation will take about 60 minutes.
You will notice some improvements. Instead of the theatre style layout used previously, you will now sit at a table. And the lunch buffet will be opened before the President opens the meeting.
Lunch: $15.00, including sodas. Alcoholic beverages, $2.00 each.
Volunteers: As usual, we need a volunteer (or two) to run the bar.
R.S.V.P. by noon on Wednesday April 7, to David Ward on 202-352-8550 or via e-mail at dmpward@wwdb.org
Parking: There is no parking at the Embassy. There is public parking behind and under the Airline Pilots Association at a cost of $15.00 for two hours.
2010 Membership dues of $25.00 are payable at the meeting. Alternatively, make your check payable to R&SL, and send it to Dave Ward, 2308 November Lane, Reston, VA, 20191.
Future Monthly meetings: May 13, June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9, October 14, November 4, and
December 9.

Biography: Major Kurt Lee, USMC Retired, is a veteran of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam with 25 years of active military service. He holds the distinction of being the first Asian American to hold a regular commission in the USMC and the first of his race to lead US Marines into combat.
Major Lee first entered the USMC in 1944 and attained the rank of sergeant when WW II ended. He was commissioned in the first regular officer’s class that was organized after the war in The Basic School.
He fought with the 7th Marine Regiment in 1950 as an infantry unit commander and participated in the Inchon-Seoul operation and the Chosin Reservoir Campaign in its entirety.
Major Lee also served as the Division Combat Intelligence Officer of the 3rd Marine Division in Vietnam during
1965-66 when major Marine ground forces landed at Chulai.
He was twice wounded in combat and was awarded the Navy Cross, Silver Star Medal, and Navy Commendation Medal.
He also holds 5 Presidential Unit Citations and the Navy Unit Citation that were awarded to units in which he served. Major Lee is a member of the R&SL since 2003 and holds the office of Treasurer.
Where –Amenities room
Embassy of Australia,
1601 Massachusetts, Ave.,
Washington, DC 20036
Speaker: Major Kurt Lee, USMC retired.
Topic: The Korean War and certain sociological aspects involving Chinese Americans in the US military (Includes screening a new documentary which incorporates previously unseen photographs and film of the time). The presentation will take about 60 minutes.
You will notice some improvements. Instead of the theatre style layout used previously, you will now sit at a table. And the lunch buffet will be opened before the President opens the meeting.
Lunch: $15.00, including sodas. Alcoholic beverages, $2.00 each.
Volunteers: As usual, we need a volunteer (or two) to run the bar.
R.S.V.P. by noon on Wednesday April 7, to David Ward on 202-352-8550 or via e-mail at dmpward@wwdb.org
Parking: There is no parking at the Embassy. There is public parking behind and under the Airline Pilots Association at a cost of $15.00 for two hours.
2010 Membership dues of $25.00 are payable at the meeting. Alternatively, make your check payable to R&SL, and send it to Dave Ward, 2308 November Lane, Reston, VA, 20191.
Future Monthly meetings: May 13, June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9, October 14, November 4, and
December 9.

Biography: Major Kurt Lee, USMC Retired, is a veteran of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam with 25 years of active military service. He holds the distinction of being the first Asian American to hold a regular commission in the USMC and the first of his race to lead US Marines into combat.
Major Lee first entered the USMC in 1944 and attained the rank of sergeant when WW II ended. He was commissioned in the first regular officer’s class that was organized after the war in The Basic School.
He fought with the 7th Marine Regiment in 1950 as an infantry unit commander and participated in the Inchon-Seoul operation and the Chosin Reservoir Campaign in its entirety.
Major Lee also served as the Division Combat Intelligence Officer of the 3rd Marine Division in Vietnam during
1965-66 when major Marine ground forces landed at Chulai.
He was twice wounded in combat and was awarded the Navy Cross, Silver Star Medal, and Navy Commendation Medal.
He also holds 5 Presidential Unit Citations and the Navy Unit Citation that were awarded to units in which he served. Major Lee is a member of the R&SL since 2003 and holds the office of Treasurer.
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