October Meeting

When Thursday October 11, 2012

Time - Noon to 2:00 pm.

Where –Amenities room
Embassy of Australia,
1601 Massachusetts, Ave.,
Washington, DC 20036

Guest Speaker – COL Dr. Richard Southby, Vice President of the Washington, DC Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia is Executive Dean and Distinguished Professor of Global Health Emeritus at George Washington University.

Topic - Some Perspectives on British Military Medicine in the 19th Century

Charge - $15.00, including buffet lunch and sodas. Alcoholic beverages- $2.00 each.

Attire: Business casual Photo ID essential for entry
RSVP by noon on October 10 to David Ward at 202-352-8550 or via e-mail todmward1973@gmail.com
Parking: There is no parking at the Embassy There is paid public parking behind and under the Airline Pilots Association (17th and Mass) and at 1500 Mass Ave NW
3. Bio Summary: Dr. Richard Southby, Vice President of the Washington, DC Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia, is Executive Dean and Distinguished Professor of Global Health Emeritus at The George Washington University where he previously served as Dean of the School of Public Health and Health Services. He is also Director of the Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executives, which is the major continuing professional development program for senior health professionals from the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, US Public Health Service and the Veterans Health Administration. 

Prior to migrating to the United States in 1979, Richard was a faculty member in the Faculties of Medicine at Monash University and The University of Sydney. In 1975 he served as Full-Time Commissioner on the Australian Hospitals and Health Services Commission in Canberra, ACT.

Colonel Southby has been a member of the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps, Australian Army Reserve, and the Medical Service Corps, US Army Reserve.  As Consultant in Global Health to the Surgeon General Defence Force, Australia, he has founded and directed two Defence Health Leadership Institutes in Australia.  He is currently Academic Adviser to the Army ROTC Battalion at Georgetown University.

Since 1989 Richard has been a member of the Metropolitan Police Department Reserve Corps, Washington DC. He is presently the Commanding Officer of the Reserve Corps Division.


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