February 2013 Meeting

When: Thursday February 14 
Time:    Noon to 2:00 pm
Where –Amenities room
             Embassy of Australia
             1601 Massachusetts Ave
             Washington DC 20036

Charge - $15.00, including buffet lunch and sodas. Alcoholic beverages- $2.00 each.

Attire: Business casual Photo ID essential for entry

RSVP by noon on February 13 to David Ward at 202-352-8550 or via e-mail to dmward1973@gmail.com

Parking: There is no parking at the Embassy There is paid public parking behind and under the Airline Pilots Association (17th and Mass) and at 1500 Mass Ave NW
 Our speaker will be Colonel Andrea Crunkorn, U.S. Army.  Colonel Crunkhorn will talk about her work with Traumatic Brain Injuries. 

Colonel Andrea Crunkorn is the Chief of the Prevention, Rehabilitation and Reintergration Program in the Office of the Surgeon General, Army , and provides staff direction in the areas of Traumatic Brain Injury, Pain management and Musculoskeletal disorders and transplants. Her recent postings have included Command Surgeon, NATO Trsaining Mission Afghanistan; Deployment with 21st Combat Support Hospital to Iraq; Commander Munson Health Center, Ft Leavenworth and Commander US Army MEDDAC Japan. She is a graduate of the US Army CGSC and the USAF War College and holds Masters degrees in Stategic Studies, Physical Therapy and Interantional Relations. She is married to a nice Aussie boy, sub-branch member Ross Crunkhorn. 


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